Scheduled Fee Improvements.

21 Sep 2022, 13:30
Scheduled Fee Improvements We are making some changes in conjunction with our banking partner, Contis, which will go into effect on 21st November 2022. For complete transparency, we have a summary breakdown of the improvements below. ⭐️ Card Declines will become free! ⭐️ ATM Declines will become free! ⭐️ International POS Purchases will move from up to £1.00 + 1.5% per transaction to a flat 2.5% of the purchase which will make it more cost-effective on small-to-mid sized payments. ⭐️ ATM withdrawal fees will move from up to £1.70 + 1.5% to just a fixed 2.5% per withdrawal. ⭐️ Currently, Plutus charges £5 for replacement cards. This will now be free for Everyday and Premium plans, whereas Starter accounts will be charged £10 for replacement cards. ⭐️ We recently reduced PLU withdrawal fees from £15 to just £5. Unlike the changes outlined above, this improvement has already taken effect.